The Anatomy of Matter and Memory:
Bergson and Contemporary Theories of Perception, Mind and Time
7th International Workshop of PBJ (Project Bergson in Japon) 2015
Under the responsibility of Yasushi HIRAI (Fukuoka University),
Shin ABIKO (Hosei University) and Hisashi FUJITA (Kyushu Sangyo University)
10th December (Thu) : MEMORY AND DUALISM - neuroscience, panpsychism and localization
TOKYO, Hosei University, Ichigaya Campus, 80' Building(Hatchi Ju Nen Kan) 7F, Conference Room
Paul-Antoine MIQUEL (Toulouse 2 University)
Relation between Science and consciousness in Matter and Memory, Chapter 1
Takeshi MIYAKE (Kagawa University)
Bergson and the Rise of ‘the Sciences of Memory’
Chairman Yasushi HIRAI (Fukuoka University)
Respondent Elie DURING (Paris 10 University)
Joël DOLBEAULT(Paris E. Galois High School)
Bergson's Dualism Today
Masato GODA(Meiji University)
Memory and History. Rereading Bergson from Ricoeur
Chairman Shin ABIKO (Hosei University)
Respondent Hisashi FUJITA (Kyushu Sangyo University)
17:40-18:30 General Discussion
11th December (Fri) : PERCEPTION - affordance, cognitive science and present consciousness
TOKYO, Meiji University, Surugadai Campus, Academy Common (2F) A2-A3
Stephen E. ROBBINS
Bergson, Gibson and the Image of the External World
Tetsuya KONO (Rikkyo University)
Bergson, Enactivism, and Ecological psychology
Chairman Masato GODA (Meiji University)
Respondent Tatsuya HIGAKI (Osaka University)
Sébastien MIRAVÈTE(Toulouse 2 University)
Defining philosophy and cognitive psychology by analyzing the theory of perception in Bergson's philosophy and Bruner's cognitive psychology
Yasushi HIRAI(Fukuoka University)
What is the thickness of the present? Bergson’s dual perception system and the flow of time
Chairman Hisashi FUJITA (Kyushu Sangyo University)
Respondent Ryusuke OKAJIMA (Keio University)
17:40-18:30 General Discussion
13th December (Sun) : TIME - analytic metaphysics, physics and event ontology
KYOTO, Kyoto University, Faculty of Letters Main Bldg., Lecture Room 1,2
Barry DAINTON (Liverpool University)
From Temporal Experience to Time: Analytic Perspectives on Bergson
Takahiro ISASHIKI (Nihon University)
What arranges memories in a line?
Chairman Yasuhiko SUGIMURA (Kyoto University)
Respondent Yasushi HIRAI (Fukuoka University)
Elie DURING(Paris 10 University)
Action at a Distance and the Flow of Time
Pegio-Yukio GUNJI(Waseda University)
Future anticipated by embedding past
Chairman Tatsuya HIGAKI (Osaka University)
Respondent Takeshi MIYAKE (Kagawa University)
17:40-18:30 General Discussion
This Conference is supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) under Grant No. 15H03154 from JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science).